GayComicGeek Art – by Steve Keenell and a Mystery Artist (NSFW)


Thank you Steve Keenell for making this GayComicGeek piece. Even more kudos for the bulge appreciation! I don’t know if that’s a real fetish, but I have that love for a man’s bulge more than anything else.

Check out Steve’s art at his Tumblr site over at:

Also, an unnamed artist to who has requested to not have his name tagged, did these incredible pieces above. I’ve posted a couple on my Instagram page. I also have a thing about heroes being beaten and sexually humiliated a bit. I love my own GayComicGeek character, but I also love seeing him being beaten and having all sorts of sexually explicit stuff being done to him. Funny, I’m the same way with Robin. Anyways, enjoy!


And the last pic is a bit more ‘teethy’ than I’d like, but I still appreciate it! I’d have encouraged much more penetration and humiliation in these, but this is still incredible and I love it.

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