Justice League/Power Rangers #1 – Boom Studios & DC Comic Book Review (SPOILERS)

Never did I think that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would ever cross over into the DC Universe, but writer Tom Taylor and artist Stephen Byrne do just that! This first issue has a huge catastrophe take place that is set 36 hours in the future with Superman consoling Zack, the Black Ranger for something that has occurred. We soon see that there was an event taking place between the Justice League and the Power Rangers that has lead to an epic journey.

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1 thought on “Justice League/Power Rangers #1 – Boom Studios & DC Comic Book Review (SPOILERS)

  1. I’m not familiar with Power Rangers so I was a little lost this issue. It was still fun, especially when they got to the DC Universe. I really wish they didn’t do the whole “heroes fight due to a misunderstanding” cliche but I can get over it. I am interested to see what happens next issue and see who Lord Zedd ends up teaming with. I know I always say this but you have the best T-shirts. That Princess Leia shirt is incredible!

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