Who do you consider the top Sexiest Male Superheroes?

Sexiest Comic Book Character (4).Movie_Snapshot

Who do you think is the sexiest male comic book character? There are so many lists out there that have the top female characters. There are a couple male character lists, but I was curious as to what everyone else out there thought. Do you read comic books? Who do you think is the sexiest male character? I am going to compile a list later with everyone’s results. Who do you think is the sexiest? Leave your comments down below.

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3 thoughts on “Who do you consider the top Sexiest Male Superheroes?

  1. Back in the day watching He-Man got me turned on for sure! After him and I got older the concept of sexy had to be a little more real. Wolverine and Colossus were great jo material. But I still have my He-Man doll. Lol. Any guy in that cosplay would have his way with me.

  2. Dick Grayson, Colossus, Superman, Hawkman, He-Man, Deimos, Hercules, Hawkeye, Gambit, Cosmic Boy, Ghostboy, Devilhound, Midnighter, Apollo, Timber Wolf, Captain Britain, Jon Sable, Warlord, Mako Finn. I’m sure there’s more but that’s all I can think of now.

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