If you ever saw Digimon, or at least the first 2 seasons, a character by the name of Angemon. He starts out as Patamon, but evolves and becomes a badass character. In fact, I think he’s a more badass character than any of the Digimon. Agumon always got all the attention for some reason, but I digress. This costume is a dream costume of mine. The character is so cool and the look and design are beyond words. There’s a couple others that have attempted this costume that you can see below. Still great costumes in their own right too.
And for reference, here’s Angemon and Angewoman in the toon series. It was a great show.
Digimon is making a comeback and Beelzemon was my favorite Digimon
I love Angemon and MangnaAngemon. Not a huge fan of Seraphimon though. I love the look of Wargreymon also. He also look badass. XD
Wow! That is majorly badass!