Dick Danger 2: Return of the Dick! TitanMen UNCUT Movie Review – Directed by Jasun Mark

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YAY! I’ve been looking forward to this ever since you told me you would be doing a review on this movie! It’s taken me this long to watch the review because of personal stuff.
I wish this could have been a proper sequel, or had more story, but the sex is hot regardless. I really like Liam Knox, and I was actually surprised to see that he wasn’t the main character in this. Given his prominence in the DVD cover, that came as a shock. The hat he wears makes me think he should get his own film series, a porn play on pulp adventure novels: Dr. Johnson and the Phallus Idol!
Also, as far as penis euphamisms, there’s also ‘shlong’, ‘cudgel’, ‘beefstick’, and ‘dong’.
I prefer using “cock” when talking about…well…cock. I keep hoping that the comic book transitions for Dick Danger 2 mean that they will eventually be a comic book Titan parody (wishful thinking I know).