Final Fantasy Male Character – TOO Sexy for Video Games


Are you fucking kidding me? Recently on it was reported that the early images of the upcoming mobile Final Fantasy Game- Mevius Final Fantasy, showed the main character Wal (or Uoru, as it’s rendered in Japanese) and this was apparently not well received. It’s ok for scantily clad women to be shown in nearly every new Final Fantasy video game to be made but to show men in the same way, that’s bad. Are heterosexual men THAT delicate? Can they really not see another guy’s back skin?


We can get nearly naked women in video games, constantly, but a male character that shows off too much skin is bad. The double standards we live in is sometimes absurd. Check out the NEW image of what Wal will look like:


That just sucks. Luckily the character will more than likely have his costume changed repeatedly regardless if this game is like any other Final Fantasy game. In fact, the name ‘Wal’ is most likely able to be changed as well. We should at least be allowed to have sexy version and non-sexy versions of the costume for our own entertainment. But I guess the main demographic for this game is heterosexual males, and they probably don’t want sexy men. They only want sexy female characters in little to no clothing. With that, I’ll leave it alone and show some ridiculous costumes/outfits that some of the female characters in the past Final Fantasy games have shown, that no one seemed to have a problem with.

5 thoughts on “Final Fantasy Male Character – TOO Sexy for Video Games

  1. It is a change and I think it caught people off guard. They do strange things when that happens. I have played FF since 8bit Nintendo. The characters always looked strange to me. I had only one friend that played RPGs. I was shocked he had a female character. The game play made me see he liked the animation. I think guys would be ok with a big muscle guy being half naked. Like Conan or a gladiator.

  2. “Are heterosexual men THAT delicate?”

    Apparently the ones that love this franchise are. Then again maybe it’s just several ones with out life’s that complained the loudest about this “naked-ish”(saracastic voice) character.

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