Gay Comic Book Survey by Jezza Smilez (Gay Comic Book Artist)

Max Gnin Artwork FINISHED Cropped

My buddy and super hottie artist, Jezza Smilez, (the guy in the art piece above and pics below) just recently made a survey regarding gay comic books. It is brief and does not take too much time. If you could take a couple minutes to answer the questions, I would appreciate it very much. The link is down below as is a couple of pics of Jezza and me with another gay comic book artist (Patrick Fillion) in a spit roast that we all seemed to enjoy.

11 thoughts on “Gay Comic Book Survey by Jezza Smilez (Gay Comic Book Artist)

  1. Dear God, please tell me you two did it, or at least thought about it. That hentai of you two is making my day.

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