Unfortunately, since that channel was deleted by YouTube for unfair reasons, I’ll have to think of something else. Currently I’ve collected a lot of DVD’s through the years and I almost exclusively use digital formats or I rip the DVD’s for my reviews (with the permission of the companies of course). But then I end up having the DVD’s accumulate. So what do you guys think I should do for a contest? I’m thinking dividing these up into 3 groups in Misc order to give to 3 viewers. Just can’t think of a contest. Maybe with my NEW Youtube page being created www.youtube.com/gaygeekuncut, I can do something with that? What do you guys think?
16 thoughts on “I was going to have a Porn give away contest celebrating 5000 subscribers on GayGeekUncut…”
Hey Paul! (How ya doin’?)
My husbear and I got married this past Wednesday (February 26, 2014) at our City Hall. We thought that if you ever wanted to get rid of your Hairy/Muscle/Scruffy/Daddy DVD pile that we would be more than happy to embrace the ideal of winning that pile as a wedding gift. You know what they say about getting married … Once married you need all the stimuli and help you can get!. HA HA HA!
We have to admit that getting a nice big ol’ pile of awesome Porn from YOU would be quite a treat – especially as a wedding present! 😉
Your Hairy Canadian Fans,
Pat and Jay.
I would love to sneak a peak into your porn collection. I think we have similar taste in porn.
I’ll take any of your Joe Gage stuff!
Yeah, those are the best ones!
Joe Gage does the best movies. I wouldn’t mind taking a few of his videos off your hands.
I’d rather you took some hot pics of yourself in sexy underwear and have that as a giveaway
man…..can’t get those pics of u out of my head.
haha, giggity! Well I’ll take pics of those regardless.
Maybe give them to the first 3 to comment of this blog hmmmm? lol. You could always do a cheese guessing game, like how many action figures are behind you in a specific video maybe?
That’s not a bad idea. Or a game on Masters of the Universe trivia that can’t be googled but has been stuff that I’ve mentioned in my toy review videos.
Definitely a good idea. Maybe just to random commenters?
It should be something that involves all your interests,maybe a superhero/porn trivia contest.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Something Masters of the Universe related maybe.
Same here. Go for it!
As for ideas, maybe have people make a video. It can be a protest against your first channel getting taken down, talking about their first GCG video, or just going on about their love for everybody’s favorite super-cute gay comic geek. 🙂
My fingers are sticky with anticipation. Oh, wait. That’s jizz, LOL!
Well, I think you should send some to me just for being the first to comment. 😉
Hey Paul! (How ya doin’?)
My husbear and I got married this past Wednesday (February 26, 2014) at our City Hall. We thought that if you ever wanted to get rid of your Hairy/Muscle/Scruffy/Daddy DVD pile that we would be more than happy to embrace the ideal of winning that pile as a wedding gift. You know what they say about getting married … Once married you need all the stimuli and help you can get!. HA HA HA!
We have to admit that getting a nice big ol’ pile of awesome Porn from YOU would be quite a treat – especially as a wedding present! 😉
Your Hairy Canadian Fans,
Pat and Jay.
I would love to sneak a peak into your porn collection. I think we have similar taste in porn.
I’ll take any of your Joe Gage stuff!
Yeah, those are the best ones!
Joe Gage does the best movies. I wouldn’t mind taking a few of his videos off your hands.
I’d rather you took some hot pics of yourself in sexy underwear and have that as a giveaway
man…..can’t get those pics of u out of my head.
haha, giggity! Well I’ll take pics of those regardless.
Maybe give them to the first 3 to comment of this blog hmmmm? lol. You could always do a cheese guessing game, like how many action figures are behind you in a specific video maybe?
That’s not a bad idea. Or a game on Masters of the Universe trivia that can’t be googled but has been stuff that I’ve mentioned in my toy review videos.
Definitely a good idea. Maybe just to random commenters?
It should be something that involves all your interests,maybe a superhero/porn trivia contest.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Something Masters of the Universe related maybe.
Same here. Go for it!
As for ideas, maybe have people make a video. It can be a protest against your first channel getting taken down, talking about their first GCG video, or just going on about their love for everybody’s favorite super-cute gay comic geek. 🙂
My fingers are sticky with anticipation. Oh, wait. That’s jizz, LOL!
Well, I think you should send some to me just for being the first to comment. 😉
I’d rather see you performing in the porn.