No surprise, but I am really looking forward to Netflix’s Jessica Jones series. Not only does this tie into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but more importantly, this show is setting the stage for future Marvel tv shows that will be introducing other characters who many fans never thought would get their own series. The full trailer for the Jessica Jones series, also known as Jewel in the comics, has been released. Jones possesses super strength, and can fly in the comic book universe. Although I think her flying ability may not be shown in the series.
I knew that David Tenant (The 10th or 11th Doctor) was playing the Purple Man, who is the villain of the series. But I did not realize how evil he can really be. It is not Tenant’s first villain role, but damn, he took it to new heights with this. If you are unaware of who the Purple Man is, he’s a man with the powers to control others. He is not exactly a telepath but he can make others do what he wants. Check out the trailer below.
I cannot WAIT until this starts. This looks soooo good. David Tennant makes an awesome Killgrave/Purple Man.