Tim Drake’s origin is being restored somewhat in the upcoming Detective Comics storyline – A Lonely Place of Living. A preview came from MultiversityComics.com that shows an updated version of Tim’s origin that looks much more familiar than what is currently being passed as his origin. If you are not aware of it, his origin was drastically altered when the DC Comics event called Flashpoint created what is called the New 52. His entire identity was taken. Literally. In the New 52 universe, his real name is not even suppose to be Tim Drake and his parents are in a witness protection program. Also, he was never known as Robin but always went as Red Robin…ugh I hated that. So this change is great news to me.
Unless you are new to my site, then you probably already know that Timothy Jackson Drake aka Red Robin is my favorite superhero of all time. Not just sidekick. Favorite overall. In my humble opinion, he’s also the best of the Robins to have existed. He held his own comic book ongoing series for over a decade. He was my definitive Robin. Taking his identity and making him an arrogant douchebag just spit on his character who fought and had to prove himself as being able to take up the mantle of Robin.
How will his new/original origin be incorporated into the current DC Universe? How is it that the original Robin costume (Jason Todd’s) shown in the case will be placed back into continuity as well? So many questions!!! I’m dying here. If you are reading this, thank you for indulging me. I am quite excited about this. We’ll start to get answers starting 9/27/2017. I am excited!
1 thought on “Tim Drake’s aka (Red) Robin’s REAL Origin is BACK! (SLIGHT PREVIEW SPOILERS)”
I’m really excited for this too. I wasn’t a fan of his New52 origins…especially that he never called himself Robin. I hope this leads to Tim getting another solo title. I’ll admit I wasn’t a huge fan of Tim in the beginning. It was your enthusiasm and love for the character that made me give him another look. Thank you for that.
I’m really excited for this too. I wasn’t a fan of his New52 origins…especially that he never called himself Robin. I hope this leads to Tim getting another solo title. I’ll admit I wasn’t a huge fan of Tim in the beginning. It was your enthusiasm and love for the character that made me give him another look. Thank you for that.