Comic Load 7 20 2016 (4).Movie_Snapshot

Titans #1 is the closest we get to a sequel to the Rebirth series. This is a great starting point for any comic fan that has been off of DC Comics. A great series and the fun and family feel for this series has finally returned. A must read for any DC Comic Fan.

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1 thought on “Titans #1 Rebirth Presents – DC Comic Book Review

  1. Great review. The Titans were always more of a family than the Justice League. I loved that Donna Troy is given more of a personality than just the warrior-puppet she was in Wonder Woman. The costume updates were great. I haven’t been thrilled by Brett Booth’s previous redesigns (cough-Red Robin Teen Titans-cough) but these were great. I loved the shout-out to a New Teen Titans villain (deliberately mispelled) and the villain at the end really surprised me. I can’t wait for the next issue.

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