Batman The Button, Power Rangers, Venom, Trinity and Nightwing – Comic Load 4/19/2017
Batman #21 – The Button. What the hell is going on with the Watchmen button? How is everything linked together? No answers are given in this but the Flashpoint Reverse Flash is back and he may have more links to what is going on than anyone.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #14 – Evil Tommy and his evil ranger centurions have almost won. This is an alternate reality but really well done.
Superwoman #9 – Lana wakes and is healed. Unfortunately she is powerless too. Will she continue on as being Superwoman? If so, how is this going to be done?
Nightwing #19 – Nightwing vs. Deathwing round 2. Also Dr. Simon Hurt is brought back and is behind all of the problems that Dick has gone through in the past few issues.
Venom #6 – Eddie Brock is back and he is Venom. FINALLY!!!
Trinity #8 – Superman reveals to Batman and Wonder Woman that his past has been altered. No real information is given in this story, but at least he is confiding in them.
Superman #21 – Why is Jonathan Kent’s powers not properly working? What happened to Batman in the previous issue? There is a lot more to the Kent’s neighbors than meets the eye.
I dunno what the deal with DC is nowadays. Feels like the whole Watchmen tie-in just reeks of desperation on their part. Maybe they’ve got some big movie lined up to come out later on involving the Watchmen?
Either way, I’ve lost interest in them. The animated universe of Young Justice is way more fun, and I’m looking forward to that more than I have been to any DC movies or other shows recently.
Good load though, Paulie.
I was disappointed with Batman #21. Batman just gets his ass kicked and we get another Watchmen tease. I hope they start to answer some questions in this story. Hopefully the next chapter in Flash will be better. I trust DC with their long-range plans a lot more than I do with what Marvel’s doing. Especially not announcing when titles are ending. I’m going to miss Kris Anka drawing a half-naked Star-Lord every month.