Geeky Underwear – Submissions!


Thank you everyone that sent pics and submitted them in the entry form I posted up last week! Some of you sent some pics to my SnapChat, which unfortunately I cannot save. I could screen shot it, but it’s not the same thing. Regardless though, thank you for all you guys have done. This was great. I’ll do this again in a couple months. I love seeing what everyone has on under their pants. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes it’s geeky, and other times its just fucking sexy as hell. You guys Rock!

image20151230_17375720151230_153347-1IMG_20151231_134150IMG_20151231_134234imageHomeWorkSexualKinkSidekickimage1 (1)BlakeCaptainHe-Man JimmyHulkSpidey and FriendsSuperhero 3Superman 10Superman 13Superman 14SupesSuperman 16Pikachu 3


3 thoughts on “Geeky Underwear – Submissions!

  1. Dude. These are hot. Too bad I forgot to send in a pic. At least I got in one for that bulge post a few weeks ago.

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