5 thoughts on “Good Morning! It’s Hump Day…or what I like to call, COMIC BOOK DAY!”
SIZZLING SELFIES, STAFFELCOCK!!! Great photos! Nice definition on your abs and intercostals in the first one. Someone’s been a gym bitch rackin’ up the reps. I just wish it were a bit better in focus to see if there was some tenting in the Bat Logo. You’re an Amazing SeXman in the second shot! Your downward glance, even partially obscured, taunts the kneeling viewer with a difficult predickament. Go for the meaty man tits first, or…? If it were me, I should be so lucky, I’d start with a tit offensive. I’d bet big money your nasty nubs are hotwired to what’s waiting in your tangle of pubes.
1st word that comes to mind–Batpole !!
We like to call it, Thank you for the underwear shots day!
Love that second pic there, you look so imposing when the shot is looking up at you.
SIZZLING SELFIES, STAFFELCOCK!!! Great photos! Nice definition on your abs and intercostals in the first one. Someone’s been a gym bitch rackin’ up the reps. I just wish it were a bit better in focus to see if there was some tenting in the Bat Logo. You’re an Amazing SeXman in the second shot! Your downward glance, even partially obscured, taunts the kneeling viewer with a difficult predickament. Go for the meaty man tits first, or…? If it were me, I should be so lucky, I’d start with a tit offensive. I’d bet big money your nasty nubs are hotwired to what’s waiting in your tangle of pubes.
1st word that comes to mind–Batpole !!
We like to call it, Thank you for the underwear shots day!
Love that second pic there, you look so imposing when the shot is looking up at you.
Awesome. Luv ur energy.