There really is no reason to post these except that I love seeing male costumers. They never get as much loving in the cosplay posts as their female counterparts. But they are just as good and also want to be seen in the convention circuits as well. Although some of these pics are obviously not for Comic Conventions, but they still look like they need to be spread about and shown to everyone. Enjoy!
Oh yeah, if you want to submit a picture of yourself or of a cosplayer that you think is sexy (male only please), submit them at the end of this post. I will always accept any costuming pic that you want to show off.
2 thoughts on “Happy February 1 – Let’s Enjoy these Hot Sexy Male Cosplayers (NSFW)”
I love it when guys do cosplay. I am not really don’t know many of the characters. I just went up and asked then. They were happy to tell me about the details they had in their costume. A lot of them self made. I do have one picture with a guy dresses as a roman centurion. lol amazing body of course. He grabbed my ass while taking the picture and in the photo you can see his cock sticking out a little. I wish I bumped into him later that day.
I love it when guys do cosplay. I am not really don’t know many of the characters. I just went up and asked then. They were happy to tell me about the details they had in their costume. A lot of them self made. I do have one picture with a guy dresses as a roman centurion. lol amazing body of course. He grabbed my ass while taking the picture and in the photo you can see his cock sticking out a little. I wish I bumped into him later that day.
Did not expect to see Zorro in this line-up.