The Star Wars movies never talk too much about the grey area inbetween the Jedi and the Sith. There are other organizations that exist that train the force sensitive beings and they all have their own order. Granted, these organizations probably are no longer canon in the Star Wars universe, but they supposedly existed. I would like to think that I would be a hero for sure but I don’t know if I could do the whole Jedi thing where they’re suppose to be completely non-sexual and never find love. I would not want to be a Sith Lord either. If I did have force powers, I’d use them sexually. A lot.
By the way, does Force Choking count as erotic asphyxiation? I bet it could be. Not that I’m into that but I seem to know a lot of people that are.
Oh yeah, Dark Helmet once used the Scwartz on me at Dragon Con when I was dressed as Robin.