Next porn review –’s Gaytrix or Supernatural? Or a porn actor spotlight (possible Adam Killian)

So what do you think I should do my next porn review on from Either the Supernatural Scenes, which they aren’t exactly about the show Supernatural (I’m going to go on a geek rant about that later). But they still can be good:

Supernatural 2


Or The Gaytrix Scenes, which are a bit more Sci-Fi and somewhat similar to the actual Matrix movie:

Gaytrix 1
Gaytrix 2

Or should I spotlight a certain actor? If it’s an actor it’d probably be Adam Killian (third pic) cause he just needs more attention and wow! Damn he’s fucking hot and so rough in all his scenes that I can’t help but watch everything with him in it.

Adam Killian 2
Adam Killian

12 thoughts on “Next porn review –’s Gaytrix or Supernatural? Or a porn actor spotlight (possible Adam Killian)

  1. Do the Gaytrix. The scenes from the Supernatural one looks pretty cool, but if the Gaytrix one is closer to the movie, that could be mor efun for a fan to watch.

    1. I did do the Gaytrix, but unfortunately I’ve been banned from Youtube. Again. At least I’ve been banned from Youtube on my GayGeekUncut channel. I’m glad I started that new channel.

    1. I did the Gaytrix now. But I’ve been banned on my GayGeekUncut channel for two weeks, so I can’t load it there until they allow me back.

  2. The first picture is hot! What a hot way of sucking a guy’s dick. And, I agree, Adam Killian is smoking hot. Love how rough he is too.

    1. I’ve filmed a couple vids that I’m going to post. One is Gaytrix and the other is spotlighting Adam Killian, but I’ve been banned on my GayGeekUncut channel. Again. I’ll have access again to that channel in 2 weeks. Then I can post.

    1. I did do the spotlight on Adam. I’m unbanned from Youtube again, I’ll definitely post it up. Maybe in the meantime I’ll show the vid on Mancast.

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