Outclique – Gay Publication of South Florida Did a GayComicGeek Article

Hey check out Outclique.org‘s August 2017 issue. They recently published an article on me. They took several pics in a couple different costumes that have not been posted yet. This issue itself is not ready for download, but the article is up. Below is a picture of the cover with some highlights of other topics being discussed in different articles by their creative team.
This article was written by Pup Napoleon. Check them out at: OutClique.org

8 thoughts on “Outclique – Gay Publication of South Florida Did a GayComicGeek Article

  1. Great article, but I was disappointed you didn’t mention how you really got into this full time. I know you are fun and not too political, but we’re on the edge of having many protections taken away and Florida’s lack of some is an example.

    1. I still do social work, specializing in substance abuse counseling. I do enjoy my online work a lot though and wish I could do it full time, but it is not a full time career. Thanks for reading though. You’re pretty darn awesome!

  2. I really like you smiling on the cover. We don’t get to see you smile often enough. I read the interview and thought it was really well done. It’s incredible how comics helped you in elementary school, along with a counselor that actually gave a damn. The more I learn about you, the more incredible I think you are. I can’t wait to download the issue and see all the other photos.

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