Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire 2017 – Lot of Fun!

I went to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire this past weekend with some buddies and it was a lot of fun. We mostly were doing a pirate thing. I’ve always wanted to do my own take on being a pirate. This was a perfect opportunity!

I figured I’d stay away from most of the Captain Jack Sparrow look and do something more colorful. Although I did do the eyeliner bit. That’s something that I put a vote on my Patreon site and they all mostly agreed that it would look better. Here’s a couple pics of the convention Faire pics.

3 thoughts on “Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire 2017 – Lot of Fun!

  1. Looks like you have an amazing time. I said it before but you make a sexy, stud of a pirate. Plus Dan in a kilt?! Wow!

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