Red Robin aka Tim Drake Is Returning to Comics in Detective Comics #965


Many of you know that I’m a huge Tim Drake fan. In fact he is my definitive favorite superhero of all time. Not just favorite sidekick, but actual superhero. He was taken away by the mysterious (but recently revealed) Mr. Oz. The reasons why Tim was taken and imprisoned have remained a huge mystery in DC Comics. The only real clue is that Tim was connecting threads that shouldn’t be connected.


What the hell does that mean? I have no idea. Lots of theories have been posted on many forums. As to which are legit and which are totally far reaching? Who knows? But we will be finding out the answer or at least some reasoning behind everything in the coming weeks.


Detective Comics #965, titled: A Lonely Place of Living, hits stands on 9/27/2017. This is playing on Tim’s first storyline back in 1990 during Batman #441 called A Lonely Place of Dying. So it is fitting. The storyline looks to contain more than just one Tim Drake in it as different versions of him have been plucked from the timestream. Still though, no one is really close to figuring out why as of yet.


I am super stoked about this, obviously. Tim has been in limbo for a year and it’s been tough reading about everyone else go through their Rebirth and have him set to the side. I am very hopeful that he will also lead a new team that could possibly bring back many other characters like the REAL Superboy, Wonder Girl and Impulse. Young Justice Season 3 is being animated, so it is a very strong possibility. Anyways, here’s some Tim Drake images below. Just because.

2 thoughts on “Red Robin aka Tim Drake Is Returning to Comics in Detective Comics #965

  1. I’m so happy we’re finally going to how Tim escapes and gets back to the Bat-Family. I think he was taken due to a certain clone. I hope we get an answer one way or another.

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