What constitutes a sexy costume? Whatever the wearer thinks is sexy, well then that makes that costume in my book. I have seen several sites list up pics of men (and women) in costume that represents ideas for new sexy costumes for this Halloween month. I figure I should do that too! I do not think that all the pics are actually from Halloween, but what does that matter?
Generally for a costume to be considered ‘sexy,’ this entails lots of skin to be shown. Sometimes, no actual costume is needed and you could just wear a domino mask and some matching underwear and bam, you’re a Lantern! Although sometimes showing a guy costume fully clothed that gives so much to the imagination can be better. It all depends on your tastes.
I am so completely guilty of doing the whole shirtless costume thing. Check out my Harvey Quinn or Beast Boy costume if you have not seen that. Regardless, I Halloween is here and many people love to make something new to wear around and be another person. Whether it’s a naked Batman, sexy Plumbers, or a costume that you love and want to wear with no ulterior motivations, what costume are you making? I am doing a Marty McFly costume to pay homage to Back to the Future. Anyways, here’s some sexy costume pics that I’ve seen online. Because, I love human flesh. I mean I like seeing human flesh in the good way, not the horrific awful axe butcher way.
I’ll be going as Male Maleficent for Halloween and Oogie Boogie for a party 🙂
Sexy male costumes are sexy.
Also, thanks for clarifying that part about the human flesh, Paulie. 😛