Is there such a thing as liking guys who look confused or dumb? (NSFW)

Castiel 3
I ask this seriously because I sometimes really like the dumb look on some guy’s faces. They do not have to be dumb, but the look of being continually perplexed is just something that I get attracted to. Misha Collins’ character – Castiel – does this perfectly on Supernatural. That’s one of the biggest factors of me thinking he’s so sexy. He is superhot too. But anyways, is that a thing? No one seems to know what I mean by that saying the dumb look is hot. In all seriousness, the guy can be a total genius, but if they just look confused and like they have no idea what’s going on for long periods of time or constantly in some cases, I find that sexy. I don’t know if there’s an actual fetish or a description of this attraction, but I can’t be alone on this, right?

Dumb LookDumb Look 9

Dumb look 5Dumb Look 1









Dumb look 4Dumb look 3Dumb look 2Ferris Bueller's Day Off

9 thoughts on “Is there such a thing as liking guys who look confused or dumb? (NSFW)

  1. I think if you started a Tumblr page that focused on pics of guys with this particular look, you might get an interesting response. I think it has to do with the look of innocence in these facial expressions, I think that’s the allure of it. There’s no anger, there’s no dominance, there’s no aggression in these looks of confusion and therefore the guy making the face comes across more as a non-threat, and there in lies the appeal. 🙂 I think it’s adorable.

  2. I’m probably the exact opposite. People who seem confused by life are actually a huge turn off. But to each his own

  3. Nope. I love it too. One of my fuck buddies gets that mindless look on his face while he’s enjoying himself and its the hottest thing I ever see.

      1. I think its the overload of good feelings. It’s fantastic to see a guy enjoying himself so much that he loses control of his facial muscles. 🙂

    1. Hmmm…You know I never thought of that. Oh wow, do I like to prey on dumb defenseless guys? I hope that’s not the case.

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