I liked the season premiere of Game of Thrones. The opening scene alone had me cheering. It was obvious that it was Arya using her face changing skills. I would have liked to have seen more of my Khaleesi, but there’s many more eps to explore her story this season. I also could have done without the chamberpot cleaning montage. Ehhhhh…gross. However, there was a small scene that seemed a bit out of place. I admit that I did not recognize Ed Sheeran at first as a soldier for the Lannister army, but afterwards I was made very clear that he’s in it. I was honestly expecting Arya to kill all of them when I was watching it. Personally I just looked past this, but apparently Sheeran’s cameo role has caused some anger with fans.
Need to see Ed Sheeran’s neck cut open next episode. Only way to warrant that scene tonight.
That’s just a few of the Tweets I saw. I’ve seen countless Facebook posts too. Personally I do not really care, but I can see the anger. It is dissatisfying to see that a show puts in celebrities for no reason. Although it is not going to deter anyone from watching the show at all. Still, not liking a particular moment is all too familiar in this series. What did you think? Did you care or not?