Supergirl Mon-El Actor Chris Wood (Possibly Superboy) – My New Celebrity Crush


I was really hoping that Supergirl character – Mon-El played by Chris Wood was going to be a Captain Jack Harkness type of character that is pansexual. Unfortunately that does not look to be the case. It appears that the show is going to force a predictable relationship between him and Supergirl because…whatever reason.


When we see Mon-El’s flashback as a personal guard of the “Prince of Daxam,” it almost feels as though he is much more to him. This gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe Mon likes both genders. By the way, I am totally thinking that Mon-El is the actual Prince and that he lied to cover his heritage. It would not be the first time in this show to do that.


Later when Mon-El is with Winn, they appear to be bonding on a much more bromantic level. No romantic feel, but still a cutesy way to show the two dudes as being more than just acquaintances. This gave me even more hope that something will happen and that the show will destroy the stereotype that the new male superhero that is not going to just be a background character with barely any screen time, will be a character who’s sexuality is fluid.


Unfortunately, CW made it clear on 11/28/2016’s episode of Supergirl titled Medusa, that he has a thing for the Girl of Steel. Did not see that coming. No not at all. It was a complete surprise. No one expected that the lead character would have a thing for the new hot alien that came from her sister planet. And no one expected a relationship to be pushed between these two. None. Really, totally surprised. (Sarcasm)


On the plus side, they are playing up his naivete to the world very wonderfully. It is at that point where he just adorable in every way possible. I have a thing about dumb guys and Chris Wood really plays up Mon-El’s ignorance to his surroundings perfectly. By the way, I really feel like the show is making Mon-El into a Superboy character. Anyways, he is a cutie and hopefully this relationship won’t be a real thing. What do you think?

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5 thoughts on “Supergirl Mon-El Actor Chris Wood (Possibly Superboy) – My New Celebrity Crush

  1. Chris Wood really plays up Mon-El’s cute but studly naive way – and any scenes with him Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and Jimmy Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) are adorable! That could make one heck of a bromance!

  2. I hope that they do not make him the ‘real’ Prince of Daxam.
    I also read the relationship with the Prince as slashy.
    I’m very tired of the new trope in comic based materials that you can be bisexual or homosexual – as long as you’re a hot chick.

    1. What trope? It can be just as hard for content characters to get away with women LGBT characters as well as male ones.

  3. I really hope that they don’t go the Superboy route with Mon-El. They could go the “Man of Valor” route and give him a Superman-like costume with a switched color palatte (Red base with blue trim). I was hoping that Mon-El & Winn would have a thing but I guess that’s not in the cards. He is so cute, especially when they play on his naivete. Plus he looks so hot in glasses.

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