There’s a gay Jurassic Park Porn Parody…and I think the Dinosaurs rape men, maybe?

Jurassic Park Porn

I swear to Buddha, I thought I’ve seen or at least heard of every type of porn that exists. Wow, I was so wrong. This Thai company-, has apparently made a Jurassic Park porn that is based on the recent Jurassic World movie, starring Chris Pratt.

The site takes a while to load, I have no idea why. But once it did, I watched the SFW YouTube Trailer, it just confused me. Obviously guys are dressed in raptor costumes, but are they raping the men before they eat them? Or is that just what is being alluded to?

After exploring the site (which took a while being that everything loaded so slowly), I saw that they made several parodies, including Paranormal Activity, and a Zombie Gay Porn Parody too. Those actually look good and I kinda want to review them. Don’t judge me too harshly, but I want to see the Jurassic Park Parody too.

Anyways, check out the Jurassic Park trailer below:

7 thoughts on “There’s a gay Jurassic Park Porn Parody…and I think the Dinosaurs rape men, maybe?

  1. I admit, I’m interested in the Paranormal Activity porn parody. Gay ghost stories intrigue me even when they’re cheesy.

    Long-Haired Creepy Guy, back when he did Midnight Wank Theater, reviewed Cocky Boys’ “The Haunting”, which actually had kind of a compelling story underneath the…well, varying degrees of acting talent, and the mountains of (admittedly VERY hot) smut.

    I don’t expect a porn parody to have THAT kind of pull, but the idea of a Paranormal Activity-style gay porn with a mix of thriller-style tension and erotica does appeal to me.

  2. You have happy tear in my eye.
    Great find, might have to have a gang over for that one.

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