As a huge geek myself, I appreciate guys with glasses. To me, nerdy guys are like the hot step brothers to geeks. Maybe it’s because they look really cute and smart with glasses on. I don’t know where that myth that guys with glasses are smart came from, but I love it. I always go for the guy that can talk and has a brain. Maybe that’s why I like guys with glasses so much. Anyways, here’s a few hot guys that I’ve found here and there that I think you all would enjoy!

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4 thoughts on “Nerdy Guys in Glasses are hot!

  1. Nothing but hotness here. Also, love to watch Will Braun fuck with his glasses on. Damn, I’d love to watch that boy bottom just once. With glasses on pereferably. 😀

  2. Total Sexiness here, I think my fave is the one getting rimmed. I fucking love his eyes.

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