Venom Inc Alpha, The SuperFriends Rebirth, and New Sinister Six Debuts & More – Comic Load 12/6/2017
It’s comic book day!
Walking Dead #174 returns with a sympathetic look at Negan. Yes, seriously.
Amazing Spider-Man and Venom, Inc: Alpha – The battle for the symbiotes. Not exactly, but somewhat still accurate. Anything with Eddie Brock Venom is worth it.
Astonishing X-Men #6 – The war between Xavier and the Shadow King continue and comes to a head.
Captain America #696 – Cap vs. the Swordsman. Classic Cap is back and he’s showing how awesome he original was meant to be.
Spider-Man #235 – A new Sinister Six is forming and starting to make their move. Miles Morales has never faced them, but he will soon.
Superman #36 – Imperius Lex concludes with a predictable ending. However, Lex makes a move that was a bit unexpected…although I guess it is also predictable if you think about it.
Nightwing #34 – Nightwing vs. Raptor. A definitive winner emerges in this battle.
Batman #36 – The SuperFriends reunite! Well it’s just Superman and Batman, but still seeing their partners (wife/fiancée) making them contact each other is awesome.
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