Where is all the Gay Superhero Porn? (NSFW)

Superhero Porn

Why do porn companies not make more superhero porn? I have asked this in numerous posts, comments, vlogs, random videos, articles, and I have even contacted several companies and asked why superhero porns are not produced. I have received very little feedback as to the exact reason. I will not give the name to the company, but one response was this exact quote:

Supply and demand exists because of a need for particular products and the willingness of the customer to purchase said products. Many of our consumers demand certain revenues that we take with our performers and research has indicated that an endeavor into any sci-fi realm, particularly with ‘superheroes’ would not be profitable. I appreciate your interest in this field but unfortunately, there is no chance that we would explore this topic with our organization at this time.

I appreciate the response back and the professionalism without sounding sarcastic. They were very polite and was not demeaning in any way. And at least there was a response that was given. Some companies are either very vague or write off my request as if I was just a fanboy that is just asking pointless questions.

Superman Bugle

But I ask this seriously, why are superhero gay porns not a bigger thing? Looking back at superhero history, Superman, the first modern superhero was very homoerotic. (Pic above may have photoshopped enlarged bulge.) He was a muscular burly man, with a hairy chest and a skin tight spandex costume with a huge bulgey crotch. He screams homo eroticism. The next major superhero was Batman. He adopted a young boy as his ward, to which media and the audience have been screaming ‘gay’ for over 75 years.


On the other side of the spectrum in Marvel Comics (then known as Timely Comics) – Namor the Submariner was created, who pre-dates Aquaman by several years, and he appeared wearing a speedo and some gauntlets and nothing else in his original appearances. It was not even legal to wear such skimpy clothing in most public beaches back in the 40s. But he wore it with pride. The gayness is everywhere. And these are just the example back in the 1940s. (Pic above may also be photoshopped)

Green Lantern and Batman and Robin

Credit does need to be given to the few companies out there that have made some endeavors into superhero porn. ManVille Entertainment has made several parodies into porn that include, Batman and Robin and Green Lantern. The costumes were very simplistic and purchased through a company called Rubies that are associated with cheap Halloween accessories, but they tried. I will give them that.

Men on Edge

Another site, Kinkmen.com has a subsite called Men On Edge and they have made a couple scenes that include superheroes. I have to admit that these are very impressive. They created their own superheroes and made their own unique scenarios that fit perfectly into their particular brand of porn. Look up the The Orgazamatron when you get a chance to see how they achieved this. I believe they had something here and should continue to make scenes like these.


There are also some awesome low budget scenes that Lance Hart has made for his own online independent site ManUpBitches.com. Lance’s sexuality is very fluid but he is not afraid to show his gay audience what they want to see in terms of his productions. He has lots of superheros being humiliated and taken advantage of sexually. The costumes are not the greatest, but they are skin tight. A lot of scenes are geared towards particular fetishes like ballbusting and wedgies, but he is definitely trying and he has a great talent for his work. He has also posted full on sex scenes with both Superman and Batman on Clips4Sale.ManonFetish.com that are incredible! I have spanked more times to these two scenes than any other superhero porn scenes ever.

Hard Heroes 1Hard Heroes 2

The company Can-Am.com do make some superhero based wrestling scenes. Sometimes they will incorporate porn too, which are great. Many times the scenes are just bondage and lots of feeling up of the heroes, but at least it exists and this is a part of their site. They acknowledge that there is gay superhero porn audience out there. They did have one full on gay porn superhero movie called Hard Heroes that was made way back in 2000. It is dated but it included a supervillain at his finest and the heroes taken advantage of sexually. It is a satisfying movie.

Porn Arrow vs Mainstream Arrow

Over at Men.com, they created a scene called Arrow that starred Liam Magnuson before he retired from porn acting. I am still mourning his departure from porn. But besides Men.com picking an entertainer that looks sexy in every respect and also being similar to the actor Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/Arrow), they used a costume that represents the Green Arrow’s look on the show and did an excellent job at producing this. Unfortunately, it was the only one that they made. There so much potential in this series being made further. Red Arrow/Arsenal/Speedy could be brought in with Diggle and the Dark Archer. It had so many more components that would be incredible. Or maybe incorporate more characters from other series, like maybe the Flash?

Looking to the other side of the spectrum to heterosexual porn, Axel Braun is my spirit guide. Wow! The movies he makes with the costumes and stories in his superhero porn parodies are insanely awesome! It almost makes me sick that these movies are being made exclusively for the heterosexual male. Look at the trailer above and tell me that this does not piss you off that heterosexuals get this high quality porn. Gay Geeks can appreciate it, but come on gay porn companies. Why can we not get something like this?

Spider-Man K

I cannot believe that in this day and age that there are not enough Gay Geeks or even moderate passing superhero fans in the world to support this type of scenario. There is a huge market for this type of porn. This is not the 1980s-1990s where being a geek was shamed by all manners of society, gay and straight alike. Gay Geeks are out in force. We are a HUGE community. Heterosexuals have acknowledged the Straight Geek. Gay culture may not have accepted this as much, but look at any Gay Geek group on any number of social media sites and you see thousands of members. Some members are more hardcore than others and some are just there because they enjoy one particular franchise, but there is no shame to being a Gay Geek anymore. What is more curious is that even with the huge number of gay geeks, regardless of orientation, regardless of background, and regardless of your social status, one thing is constant- If you are a male and have internet, you watch porn. You would think that some of the major gay porn companies would at least try to tap into this market.

Daredevil 4Daredevil 3

Unfortunately this may not happen anytime soon. I know I am asking for too much and that a superhero porn on Axel Braun’s level may be beyond any budget, but hell, there are a number of other superhero porn movies that can be made that could be on a lower budget. For instance- Netflix’s Daredevil in his black costume is beyond easy to make. His porn parody could write itself with Foggy Nelson and Kingpin and still incorporate some of the clichéd ‘steamy alley scenes.’ Hell, at this point I’d take even a Constantine porn parody, he is bisexual. He does not even wear spandex.

Gay Superheroes

So why don’t gay superhero porns exist? Is it because of budgets? Is it laziness on the part of the companies? Is it because there really is not a market for superheroes in the gay community? I am very curious to know why this is not a thing. EVERYTHING else is a thing, why not superheroes?


Thank you MindSweeperArt for providing with some of these photoshopped images.

14 thoughts on “Where is all the Gay Superhero Porn? (NSFW)

  1. I thought itd be a more copyright issue. Also fangirls especially hardcore tumbler users ship gay superhero scenarios all of the time. So there definitely is a market.

  2. I suppose it is a bit of economics. If a porn maker could simply make money with a simple camera, a hotel room and hot naked guys – why spend extra money putting the guys in costumes? The real money comes from hot naked guys splacking. With so many straight folks out there – porn makers can make many types of porn due to the huge amounts of potential buyers. On the gay side there are simply fewer folks, and fewer folks shelling out cold cash. Copy-right issues aside – I think there’s the issue of “gay imagination”. Seeing guys splacking in or out of their business suits is an everyday fantasy. Easy fantasies of the hot guy in the next office or locker room is simple to produce & package. Unless a video about the “interesting things” done to Robin in his mask & suit was a block-buster hit with millions of copies flying off the shelves & the porn maker making money hand over fist – would other porn makers to do the same. Alas until that happens …

  3. OH god. I used to write slash back in the dizay. rofl. Im ashamed to say it was Gilmore Girls slash involving dean and jess. lol. Milo is still hot though.

    I personally would love to see a porn with Robin joining a frat. Im very into frat porn at the moment and im not for sure why. I have a real straight-guy thing and im not for sure why lol. Anyway, I’d also like a Robin porn where maybe he meets a flamboyant, but intelligent and geeky, gay guy who makes him question himself and then falls in love with him(after he holds him down and shoves his dick in as deep as he can when he cums). But any superhero porn is good. OH maybe a Spiderman and Robin porn? Ooo. With a Toby Maguire type spiderman. Id love that.

    Anyway, I agree. With the huge surge in comics and comic-based movies you’d think there would be a lot of gay porn to go with it.

  4. This is a very interesting assessment of the gay porn industry and this typemail of material. I, too, enjoy a good super hero porn parody. I now have to look up some the ones you mentioned. But, I definitely agree that there needs to be more out there. He’ll even guys who aren’t “geeks” would appreciate a man in tight clothing with muscles fucking and or getting fucked by a super villain or ally. I mean that just sounds hot. Period

    1. That’s exactly what I say! It’s not too hard to make a costume that’s suitable for porn and to have a villain dominate the hero, it’s fucking hot as all hell!

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