I will give someone a big sloppy kiss if you can tell me who this guy is. He looks identical to one of my straight friends and I feel the need to post comparison pics of him to his porn double duplicate like I did with another of my straight friends and his porn duplicate. It’s all for fun and a laugh, so it’s nothing big. It looks like the image was originally taken from a site called Captured…something something. But I can’t tell what. Anyone have any idea?
Bhahahahaha…it does look like him, doesn’t it! but no, it’s not.
totally looks like him, is that who you were thinking of ?
the image is from capturedguys.com. The creator has a tumblr with pictures that have this exact table on it. I found this image and this guy is named Andrew. http://capturedguys.tumblr.com/image/5992578651 He too looks similar to this photo. I could not find the original photo however.
Is that Zack 🙂
Bhahahahaha…it does look like him, doesn’t it! but no, it’s not.
totally looks like him, is that who you were thinking of ?
the image is from capturedguys.com. The creator has a tumblr with pictures that have this exact table on it. I found this image and this guy is named Andrew. http://capturedguys.tumblr.com/image/5992578651 He too looks similar to this photo. I could not find the original photo however.
Sweet! THat is him! Thanks so much!
I found a picture of Deviantart by Captured guys. http://capturedguy.deviantart.com/art/Me-and-Ale-334048327. I don’t know if the link will show. The picture is called Me and Ale’. So far that is all I could get
I did snme research and I think his name is Ale, here is another photo for comparison. I think they are the same person.
Man, tineye is my goto for image finding, and it couldn’t get this one either. Bummer!
Someone else found him, thanks for trying dude!
No clue who he is. And I really wanted that sloppy kiss too.
Pretty sure this is from the site CapturedGuys.Com. Though I don’t know the particular model’s name
Thanks for looking! I think it’s a model by the name of Andrew. Someone else found him, but thanks for trying dude
Actually I think it is Jordan. Found this on Deviantart http://capturedguy.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2F&q=jordan
Could either be Hector or Jordan from http://www.capturedguys.com/index2.html
I think the model turned out to be Andrew. THanks for looking dude!