Scooby-Doo and Batman are Teaming Up Again in Animated form after 46 Years!
I love most iterations of Scooby-Doo. Back in the 70s the Scooby gang used to team up with fictional characters...
I love most iterations of Scooby-Doo. Back in the 70s the Scooby gang used to team up with fictional characters...
In case you've missed some of the past several hundred posts, I have a Patreon site. So I like to...
Just announced that Zachary Levi will have the lead role in the DC Cinematic universe's SHAZAM movie. Is that good...
We have Tyler Rush returning back from Watts The Safeword with his partner Kristofer Weston, explaining why Aftercare is important....
Title card by Whyboy of ToonGrin at: The Creepy Revolution continues, with obsessions about adulthood, sibling incest, and traumatic...
It is Halloween and a perfect time for lots of comic books that center around the horror/gay aspect of this...
Artist Sam Petit has completed some art on what superheroes underwear would look like under their costume. I'd like to...
How will Tim Drake and the rest of the Gotham Knights deal with the older Tim Drake? Batwoman must be...
The second season of Stranger Things is out soon and The Shirtless Violinist (Matthew Olshefski) is back with a cover...
A potential online series based on five gay men playing Dungeons and Dragons and how they relate to society is...