Gay Comic Book Character – Iceman – New Comic Book Series in September

Hell’s yes!!! I absolutely loved writer Sina Grace’s take on Bobby Drake, aka Iceman, in his Marvel ongoing series. It is rare for a gay character to lead his own comic book in a mainstream comic company and even more rare for a gay writer to helm the series. There are many people that were upset at such an established character coming out as being gay, even though there are many that spend their entire lives in the closet. I felt as though Iceman’s first series was cancelled abruptly despite sales not even being shown at the time of cancelation, so it’s heart warming to see that there are others out there that wanted this series to return.

It also looks like the new series will get rid of that god awful red costume that was used in the previous series and return to a more classic look. I have to say well done and I am totally making this costume! Without a doubt!

Marvel has posted an interview with the writer, which is again Sina Grace, on their website. Check it out when you get a chance. I am stoked about this series returning!

The Marvel interview is over at:

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