You know who I never realized was hot? Harrison Ford. There are some actors that I never looked at sexually. I grew up watching the Indiana Jones movies and my dad, of all people, get me to watch Star Wars. It was my father’s only geeky thing that the did. Anyways, I never associated Ford as being a hot sexy man. Maybe it was child naivete or maybe I just did not see my heroes as being sexy people. Looking back however…wow. I totally missed out on Ford goodness.
Not that he has not aged well, he is currently 73 as of this post, but from his look in the 1980s, he look incredible. I saw the Indiana Jones movies out of order and saw the Last Crusade first with my older siblings. I loved it. Years later when I went through puberty, I still never thought of Ford as being a sexy guy. I just saw his past sci-fi movies with fun and thought of him as being an incredible actor.
Looking back at his career and still crying a bit at his Han Solo character in Star Wars will no longer be present, I feel that this is a great performer. His sex appeal was there and I am surprised more people did not notice this. Looking at past articles when he was younger, he was rarely mentioned as being a sexy man. Haha, although I have read some horror stories that he is difficult to work with. Especially now in his older age. Hell, you know what, he can be a cranky old guy. He definitely deserves it. I know I am looking forward to being that cranky old man one day myself. Just so I can use the word – whipper snapper. Anyways, here’s some hot sexy Harrison Ford goodness. Enjoy!