I want to introduce you to my good friend Jay Foxworthy. Jay, along with his husband Bryan and two kids Daniel and Selena are the Leffews of the Gay Family Values YouTube channel. Jay’s family and I have been friends and collab mates as a part of YouTube’s community of gay voices. As a GFV viewer, and as a friend, I know that Jay cares about equality and protecting those who do not have a voice. It is Jay’s heart, conviction, and willingness to be an open book that is one of the many reasons I kept watching.
That’s why I am excited that Jay is running for Sheriff in Sonoma County California. If elected, Jay would be the first out gay man to serve as Sheriff anywhere in the United States! Jay has a personal sense of obligation to make changes where and when he can. He has mentored many LGBTQI young people all over the world and fought for marriage equality. I know that Jay, if elected Sheriff, will bring the same heart and courage to his office that he has brought to Gay Family Values all these years. Let’s help Jay become the first openly gay male Sheriff in America by donating to his campaign.