The Slave Leia Toy may be Pulled from Shelves- Good or Bad?
You will NOT see an[y] future merchandising featuring the slave outfit again. Trust me. … I’ve heard it from two sources. We can’t even draw Leia in a sexy pose at Marvel, let alone in that outfit! We also had a 3-D SL [Slave Leia] statue killed at a major manufacturer because there will no longer be any SL merchandise.
So we are back to revisionist history for fairy tales; where is Tipper Gore in this one? Do we have to cut the scene too? Lets replace all the blasters with walky talkies while we are at it. And lets not forget that Indy just shots the guy with swords in the market place; that is a non-proportional response Indy is bulling the guy of a different race.
It is just a splakin’ movie.
I think that what you’re missing is the slave part. It’s not merely that it’s sexual, it’s forced sexuality… She was forced by Jabba into that outfit, and there are rape implications.
I’d argue that – within the context of the movie – it was all part of the plan to free Han Solo. I really don’t agree on the rape implications. This is Star Wars for God’s sake. There’s also the little matter of the fact that a component of that outfit – the chain – was a vital factor in the killing of Jabba the Hutt. It’s also rather ironic that no-one made a fuss over the other slave girl who appears in the movie….and she got eaten.