Detective Comics #940 DC Comics Review SPOILERS – Red Robin/Tim Drake Issue


Totally not expecting this issue to end in this way. Lots of speculation as to the overall storyline within the DC Universe that is being affected by the REBIRTH titles. Tim Drake is a major player and his role will be much different from this point forward. Major SPOILERS in this video.

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1 thought on “Detective Comics #940 DC Comics Review SPOILERS – Red Robin/Tim Drake Issue

  1. This was a really good issue. I loved that Tim took out the drones in the background while Batwoman was confronting her father. I liked Tim’s last stand and the things he said to Bruce and Stephanie, especially calling himself “Robin”. Batman should take the time to watch soap operas because “no body, no death” applies here. I can’t wait to see who else Mr. Oz will put in those cells. However, I think I already know (I hope I’m right). I loved that you wore your Red Robin costume for this review.

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