DragonCon 2017 was a lot of fun! Here’s a bunch of the pics that I took. I was slightly sick from a cold, but nothing too extreme luckily. What was even better was that I got a couple people’s pics with the GayComicGeek costume on, and I think many came out great. I took quite a few Patreon.com/GayComicGeek pics as well. Those will be posted over on that site. Anyways, here’s a bunch of the public pics that I took.
8 thoughts on “DragonCon 2017 – It Was Fun! (LOTS OF PICTURES)”
Loving your Power Rangers suit & the bulge. Plus your friend Richard showed off some very nice bulge in his speedo & purple suit. Hot Guys Both! Plenty of other hunky gays – wow!
Thanks! And yeah Rich was looking hot.
Wows, you ACTUALLY featured pictures of men who aren’t thin and hairless this time!! Wonders never cease…
Wow, the gay snarkyness is real here! Seriously, the wonders are amazing!
What can I say? Your inability to realize not everyone is skinny and under 30 brings out the best in me…
Hahaha…Dude I post pics of my friends CONSTANTLY! They all have different bodies. I post pics of guys of many body types in other posts as well. I deliberately do that. Your inability to shame others, even those that have lean bodies, is very much there and present. Please be well in life and look at a much more positive look towards life. And by the way, I am over 30 and I post pics of myself almost everyday. Your insecurities bring out the worst in you. We both know that’s where this is coming from.
Dude, GCG posts pictures of hairy bears all the time. He’s even made a point of saying that he loves hairy big guys. Look up the Gingerium. Or whatever his name is on Tumblr. He did a whole post on him and wants to get pics and film him. He features bears on his Patreon site in costume. His friend Dan is bigger than I am and I’m pretty darn big. He’s always showing different body types. Where have you been looking? At his porn reviews? Because those are almost exclusively from studios that send him videos and those all do feature men in shape. You are entitled to your opinion, but I think this is more of a snarky remark to get a rile out of a genuinely nice guy because you feel the need to pull down someone who is not like yourself.
Looks like everyone had a really good time. I really want to go next year so I can experience all this myself. Looks like there were a lot of hot guys there but you were the hottest one. That WonderMan underwear outfit….sweet damn!!!!
Loving your Power Rangers suit & the bulge. Plus your friend Richard showed off some very nice bulge in his speedo & purple suit. Hot Guys Both! Plenty of other hunky gays – wow!
Thanks! And yeah Rich was looking hot.
Wows, you ACTUALLY featured pictures of men who aren’t thin and hairless this time!! Wonders never cease…
Wow, the gay snarkyness is real here! Seriously, the wonders are amazing!
What can I say? Your inability to realize not everyone is skinny and under 30 brings out the best in me…
Hahaha…Dude I post pics of my friends CONSTANTLY! They all have different bodies. I post pics of guys of many body types in other posts as well. I deliberately do that. Your inability to shame others, even those that have lean bodies, is very much there and present. Please be well in life and look at a much more positive look towards life. And by the way, I am over 30 and I post pics of myself almost everyday. Your insecurities bring out the worst in you. We both know that’s where this is coming from.
Dude, GCG posts pictures of hairy bears all the time. He’s even made a point of saying that he loves hairy big guys. Look up the Gingerium. Or whatever his name is on Tumblr. He did a whole post on him and wants to get pics and film him. He features bears on his Patreon site in costume. His friend Dan is bigger than I am and I’m pretty darn big. He’s always showing different body types. Where have you been looking? At his porn reviews? Because those are almost exclusively from studios that send him videos and those all do feature men in shape. You are entitled to your opinion, but I think this is more of a snarky remark to get a rile out of a genuinely nice guy because you feel the need to pull down someone who is not like yourself.
Looks like everyone had a really good time. I really want to go next year so I can experience all this myself. Looks like there were a lot of hot guys there but you were the hottest one. That WonderMan underwear outfit….sweet damn!!!!