Set on the world of Nexus and its surrounding moons, Exodus is the story of gods, monsters and humans. Euribatos is a warrior for King Dargos. He is also a badass fighter. Meanwhile in the kingdom of Delphox there exists Alcyoneus, a magic apprentice who may be a future sacrifice for the new ruling god of their world. Both are from different areas but their destinies are intertwined to a future adventure that will be unfolding in the later issues to this series.
This book was written and drawn by David Cantero and available from ClassComics.Com
2 thoughts on “Exodus #1 – Euribatos the Tenebrous – Class Comics Gay Comic Book Review (SPOILERS)”
Looking at the artwork alone, I am somehow imagining this world as an XXX gay version of Eternia.
…okay, so just an XXX version of Eternia, then. 🙂 The story does sound fascinating and I would like to read this. I must admit, I was put off by Game of Thrones, in part due to the loads and loads of characters there were to keep track of. Still, this comic might be worth it. Thanks for pointing me to it, Paulie.
There was a lot to digest with this issue. A lot of information and names were thrown at you. I thought it was interesting and I love David Cantero’s artwork. I don’t know if we’ll get the second issue anytime soon but I hope that Euribatos & Alcyoneus meet then.
Looking at the artwork alone, I am somehow imagining this world as an XXX gay version of Eternia.
…okay, so just an XXX version of Eternia, then. 🙂 The story does sound fascinating and I would like to read this. I must admit, I was put off by Game of Thrones, in part due to the loads and loads of characters there were to keep track of. Still, this comic might be worth it. Thanks for pointing me to it, Paulie.
There was a lot to digest with this issue. A lot of information and names were thrown at you. I thought it was interesting and I love David Cantero’s artwork. I don’t know if we’ll get the second issue anytime soon but I hope that Euribatos & Alcyoneus meet then.