Wonder Woman #7, Harley #6, Star Wars #23, Titans #3 – Comic Load – 9/28/2016


It’s comic book day! A whole bunch of great titles was released. We have Star Wars #23, Wonder Woman #7, Harley and her Gang of Harleys #6, Detective Comics #942, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp #5, Steve Rogers Captain America #5, Sam Wilson Captain America #13 and Action Comics #946.

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1 thought on “Wonder Woman #7, Harley #6, Star Wars #23, Titans #3 – Comic Load – 9/28/2016

  1. I always look forward to your loads…er, comic load videos. Wonder Woman was really good, It didn’t dawn on me that “The Lies” didn’t refer to Diana. I’m glad we got a resolution to Barbara Ann’s story and look forward to see what happens next. Titans was also a great read. I loved the little teases to Rebirth and Kadabra seems to know something. I also read Spider-Woman 11, which deals with her feeling about events in Civil War II (and the end of a friendship). New Avengers 16 was fun and Wiccan got to show how powerful he really is (living information, huh). I also read Suicide Squad #3 which was awful. I’m going to drop that title like a hot potato. Blue Beetle was a fun read too. Anyway, back to more comic books. LOVE the T-shirt.

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